
女神の手技 (五反田/出張性感エステ)

Fドウガ見た!で → 90分コース以上1000円引き

“日常”の疲れを“非日常”の『本格マッサ−ジ&密着極上性感エステ』で癒します。 選び抜かれたセラピストによるお客様一人ひとりに寄り添う、丁寧かつエッチな性感エステをお楽しみください。 Even if it's not the best in the world, I want it to be the best sensual beauty salon you've ever had! Relieve the fatigue of the "everyday" with the "extraordinary" "authentic massage & intimate sensual beauty treatment". Please enjoy the careful and erotic sensual beauty treatment provided by carefully selected therapists who take care of each customer individually. Foreigners are also welcome!
